Saratoga Springs :: Patriot Solar Group

  • Project Overview/

    • Patriot Solar Group (PSG) began initial layout and mounting designs in 2013 to build the Saratoga Springs Solar Installation, a 2MW array  located in Upstate New York. The 6,950 solar panels will offset approximately 12% of their annual electricity consumption.
    • The ground mount array utilized driven pile I-beams in accordance with local building codes, desired height clearance, and site specific soil conditions
      Faced with substantial snow fall and ice covering the majority of the field, Patriot’s 6-man crew was able to complete the entire racking assembly in 13 days.

    Project Objectives/

    • Design racking system in compliance with all local building codes.
    • Engineer post design to work with site soil conditions and achieve desired height clearance of 30 inches above grade at a 25° panel tilt.
    • Deliver racking material within 6 week lead time to ensure no project delays.
    • Install racking system quickly to maintain project schedule.

    Project Results/

    • Racking design met the desired height clearance in accordance with 90 MPH wind load and 50 PSF snow load.
    • I-beam post design worked well with soil conditions, experiencing on post refusal during installation and meeting all design criteria.
    • All racking material was delivered on time.
    • Patriot’s Install crew completed entire racking assembly ahead of project schedule.

  • Photos/